Happy Women’s Day & Happy 9th Work Anniversary Iris
We know how important a motivated team is in making happy customers. Happy Women’s Day to all the forever girls! Meanwhile, Happy 9th Work Anniversary Iris @Iris. Thank you for [...]
We know how important a motivated team is in making happy customers. Happy Women’s Day to all the forever girls! Meanwhile, Happy 9th Work Anniversary Iris @Iris. Thank you for [...]
A busy fruitful day for team at the China Tanzania Trade Session to listen to potential customers’ demands and serve them with hearts. Being professional we are strong, and with [...]
It's great to see that Sri Lanka China Society and Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association are making their efforts together for the #children / #students in Sri Lanka. And we are honoured to be a [...]
Every kid is born to be different, so gifts should be not the same. This Children’s Day, each of our kids has received her/his “bespoke” gift happily. May you grow up delightfully with great personality and diversity. Happy Every Day!!! #happychildren’sday #lalinker’skids #lalinkerteamily
What romance could happen between a true hospitality property and a true hospitality products supplier? A new repeated order, a new product inquiry, or a new bespoke product co-development to surprise [...]
Thank you, for Growing up with me. When I grow up, I want to be my father's backer. This is my dad; he's really great. My father can do [...]
"Give happiness a space, let dreams grow up" –Children’s Day 2021 at La Linker Teamily To Our Dear Children Dear baby, For you, Growing up may be like [...]
March 19 we received the Certificate of Utility Model Patent for our easy storage ironing center with integrated hanging & retractable iron organizer. It's the 3rd patent we have been [...]
If you are a grateful team, good luck is always with you. So at the very unlucky pandemic year end we almost have had all the good lucks for our [...]
Life never ends but is always a new beginning. So does true hospitality supplies. In the very pre-opening of our Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), we are going to welcome [...]